Since we were already in Chicago I figured what would a trip be without lunch with our babies at the American Girl Store. I know my girls are pretty young for this, Isabella will definitely remember it but I am not counting on Margaret, but at least I got some really great pictures of them enjoying it.
As a child I loved the American Girl book series. It was a series of books of girls my age who lived in an era before my time. What I loved about them was how old fashioned they were. I never actually owned a doll of my own, had I known about them I think I would have liked them.
Several times I have been to Chicago and have been in the American Girl Store and have been amazed about what a big deal is made of these dolls. I actually remember thinking it all a bit silly, borderline ridiculous. You can get your doll's hair done, get a picture taken with your doll, take your doll to the hospital, and even enjoy a lunch or tea with your doll. Plus there are tons of overpriced outfits and accessories for each doll. I just remember looking around thinking I would never let my child get so wrapped up in this sort of thing.
Well, then I had two girls...
My girls have always been into babies. Isabella was playing baby at 9 months old. Nursing them, playing with them, and changing them. I don't know if Margaret is like this because she sees her sister playing it all of the time or what, but really their favorite thing to play is baby. For their first Christmas they each got a Bitty Baby, which is the baby version of the American Girl doll and they still play with them like crazy. Isabella's looks like it has been through a war it is so well loved. So I caved and we had lunch with our babies at the American Girl Store. I must admit it was a blast. I tried not to draw too much attention to all of the highlights of the store (the salon, photographer, and so on) and I figure with age if they are still interested they will ask.
Lunch was fun. As you will see in pics they had special seats for their babies with special little cups for them to drink from. Margaret thought this was amazing, she kept her baby well hydrated throughout the meal. Isabella loved the desert, chocolate mousse in a flower pot with crushed oreos and a flower!

Margaret teaching her baby her nice table manners :)

Krista met us as we finished our lunch.

Margaret making sure her baby doesn't get thirsty.

Isabella's so excited she can't stand it face!

Lunch with the girls!
Me, Isabella, Mimi, Margaret, and Babies