Saturday, October 18, 2008

Witch Cake

I just have to share with you all the witch cake that I made for a Halloween party that we went to tonight at my brother's house. It was so much fun to make and might just have to be a tradition like our Easter Bunny cake. The girls loved it! You can't tell here but the witch's face is green frosting and I used that foam board for the hat.

We all had a great time at the party and it was a great way to do a trial run on the costumes. Isabella loved hers and didn't want to take it off. Margaret, on the other hand, was not so cooperative. She was very dramatic when I put it on her, sobbing on the kitchen floor refusing to go. Once at the party she was fine and when we got home she refused to take it off. Why am I so suprised by an almost two-year-old? Walter of course was a dream, he just smiles at his momma and gives me no sass (yet).

After the Halloween party we were off to a first birthday party for a friend of ours little girl Emma. While we were there Walter started something new... when you reach your arms out to him he reaches back. In fact he almost jumps out of who's ever arms he is in to reach out. My little man is growing up already!!!!!

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