Friday, September 5, 2008

Bitten by a bug...

Today started out like any other day at our house. Waffles and smoothies, tummy time with Walter, and of course feeding our fish Pipi. We had a wonderful day planned playing outside in the beautiful weather. By lunch time things were not looking so good. My Isabella started to get sick. She spent the rest of the day on the couch with her bowl and her "bobby" (this is what she calls her blankie) watching "Anne". By dinner time she spiked a really high fever and even passed up a can of Sprite to help settle her tummy. After a cool bath she is finally tucked in and sleeping. She is most upset with the thought of maybe not getting to go to the KU game tomorrow. She even offered to go to bed early because I always tell her that rest will help her to get better. I am just praying that my other two kiddos don't get this. Is this already a preview of winter? She has only been in school and dance lessons for two weeks now and we already have a sickness. Yikes!!! I am headed to Costco this weekend to stock up on my Clorox Wipes:)


Staci said...

Hey Jess! Sounds like my house last week. Jilli actually had hand, foot, and mouth disease, which started with a really high fever. Mia got the high fever, but never the rashes. The pediatrician said it was going around!

We missed the KU game due to the rain! Maybe we can meet up next time.

Jessica said...

We went to the game, but trust me it wasn't the best time we had ever had. So far only Isabella has had this and she seemed back to her normal self the next morning. I don't know what the heck she had.