The season wouldn't be complete without a little bit of hot chocolate and iceskating!
Once again we bundled everyone up and headed to the rink. This is our third year of doing this and I have really seen a difference with the two older girls.
It clicked right away for this chick and she was whizzing by everyone for most of the night. Not even hanging on to the sides this year!

We went on a weekend evening so it was a lot more packed compared to when we go during the week. Margaret was a little bit more cautious. She liked having a hand from her daddy.
Walter did great too! Although he spent most of his time holding onto the rail he was more independent about it than I thought he would be. Unlike the girls, he was actually into falling. When he would fall he would stand up and give me this grin... silly boys!
Next time I think I might make him wear his helmet!
Little Miss C got to hang out with me on the sidelines this year. She was very concerned where her "Daddy" was at all times and could hardly take her eyes off of him. The entire time that everyone skated she was glued to the sidelines watching everyone go round. It was almost as if she was taking mental notes of what to do next year when she got out on the ice.
We ended our night with ice cream for the kiddos (brrrr) and a latte for mom!
Hope you are all finding time to fit in your Holiday traditions!!!
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