Monday, August 2, 2010

KaMp RoCkS!

Okay, so I haven't had much to say since we got back from our FaBuLoUs trip to Kanakuk Kamp but it is only because I am exhausted... it is a good kind of exhausted but nonetheless this mama was worn out!
After doing four HUGE bags of dirty, lake smelly, sweaty laundry I am finally finding the time to sit and think about what an awesome time that we all had. I didn't get many pictures because to be quite frank we were just too busy having fun!

This is how our day started and ended. The tramps were right next to the Chuck Wagon (place where we ate each meal) and my kids had a blast jumping before and after each meal. These were the perfect setup because they were flush with the ground and the springs were completely padded. You can't see from the picture but there were two of these side-by-side so it was easy to jump from one to the other.
Had to get a picture of the water slide that the crazy nurses convinced me to go down one night. I am a bit nervous with heights but not enough to talk about with people, I usually just think it in my head. As I was climbing the ladder to get to the top I actually thought about climbing back down but didn't want to seem wimpy so I kept going and am so glad that I did. Isabella went down with me on my second run without even thinking twice... boy I wish I could be fearless like a kid again! Margaret decided that she would rather accomplish going off of the diving board this week instead of the gigantic slide. I just think it was a little overwhelming for her. Walter would have done it I am sure but we wouldn't let him because I just didn't trust him up that high in the sky quite yet.
Here is a shot of Isabella with the famous "blob". We watched campers jump on it all afternoon but we decided we would wait until next year to give it a try. It was super hot the week were there so we spent a lot of time swimming in the pool and the lake.

Here is a shot of everyone after church. My kids thought that it was the best church ever, it was outside and they got a little bag of M&M's to munch on while listening to a wonderful talk about "I'm Third"

What I didn't get shots of was the...
banana boating
tree tops
gigantic slip'n'slide
bottle feeding two baby pigs and a goat
that we did each and every day that we were there.

It was a wild ride with our four kiddos and their age ranges to all be put into one room to live for seven days but we were surrounded by amazing people so it all seemed easy and I tried my hardest to not sweat the small stuff. We created a lot of fun memories on this trip that I hope my children will always remember.


Staci said...

Looks like a great time!

Rebecca Moore Photography said...

Wow! I am so impressed with you guys! I was complaining about two nights in a hotel room with my two kids. I am sure your kids had so much fun.