Saturday, August 7, 2010

They say the darnedest things...

Okay so this picture really has nothing to do with this post. Well maybe a little because this little gal says some doozies. She tells you exactly how it is and what is on her mind flies right out of her mouth. I feel that this is a great trait to have as long as it is used appropriately. Here is a recent example of when this may not be appropriate...

I was sitting at a gathering of moms and children from my POP moms group. We were letting the kiddos run through sprinklers and eat ice cream while we baked in the hot sun getting some girl chat in. I was nursing C because of course she has decided to eat ALL of the time. A little girl around three to four years old approached me and asked me what I was doing. I replied that I was feeding my baby. She peered over my hooter hider and looked at me and said, "My mommy's are bigger." Now folks it took me a minute here to realize what she was referring to because I just haven't given much thought lately as to how small my chest really is. Since I have had children I have realized that it doesn't matter their size just as long as they do the job and I am thinking that all of my kids looked like healthy babies, right? If this would have been about ten years ago I would have been mortified over this, maybe even a little obsessed about it. I am finally to the point where I could just laugh, especially since it came from a three-year-old. My response to her, "God made us all different shapes and sizes."

1 comment:

bethany said...

that is hilarious! And yes, as long as they get the job done - the size doesn't matter!