Friday, August 13, 2010

ThReE mOnThS oLd!!!

Our baby girl is three months old and she is already watching cartoons with her posse. I call them her posse because no matter how much she screams and cries (getting better each day!!!) they love being with her and no matter what she may need they are on it, usually fighting over who can get to it first.
Unbelievably my first child probably never saw a TV until she was two years old and now my fourth sits in her Bumbo chair watching as Dora goes exploring. Maybe she is learning some Spanish, right? Bottom line here is I have relaxed a bit around here, in a good way. I have decided that the cobwebs will still be there in a couple of days no matter how many times I dust them today, dinner can be peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and it is okay for my three-month-old to watch a little "toons" with her brother and sissy just because they are all together and happy:)

New things about Miss Caroline

1. She has finally stopped screaming in the car. Thank goodness, I thought I was going to pull all of my hair out!

2. She is very ticklish. Loves to be tickled on the tummy and under her arms

3. Has a smile that can light up a room. She gets her dimples from her brother.

4. She is much happier now that her momma read "Happiest Baby on the Block". I am not really into reading these types of books but a friend suggested it to me and it was great. The techniques don't always work but nine times out of ten we have success.

5. She loves to be talked to and play "Wheels on the Bus" and "Patty-Cake".

Love you to pieces little bean, don't grow up too fast!


bethany said...

Absolutely precious! She is growing like crazy!
And I completely agree with Happiest Baby on the Block. The DVD REALLY helped us - more than the book. Let me know if you are interested in borrowing it - I'll send it to morning conference with Mat. He basically demonstrates what he does in the book - which showed me I wasn't doing it correctly. It's really helped the fussiness around here!

Rebecca Moore Photography said...

What a doll! I'm trying to figure out who she looks like? Maybe a combo of Margaret and Walter? Anyway she is adorable. And I totally agree with you on relaxing more with the 2nd (or 3rd or 4th). I think it's great and even though I too have already let L watch TV, I feel like I am enjoying her so much more than I was able to with H.

Staci said...

Yeah! Glad she is calming down! Jilli was the same way, after trips to the chiropractor, and a little tough love, she calmed down. We saw a couple at dinner tonight with a 6 month old, along with high chair cover and giant diaper bag. I said, must be there first. Of course I did it too, but if I have a third I am pretty sure a diaper will be in my purse.

P.S. She is as cute as can be, love the hair!