Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Day!

Kindergarten Wonder
by Wendy Silva

I wonder what you're doing right now
and if everyone is treating you kind.
I hope there is a special person,
a nice friend that you can find.

I wonder if the teacher knows just
how special you are to me.
And if the brightness of your
heart is something she can see.

I wonder if you are thinking about
me and if you need a hug.
I already miss the sound of your
voice and how you give my leg a tug.

I wonder if you could possibly understand
how hard it is for me to let you grow.
On this day know that my heart breaks,
for this is the first step of letting my baby go.
Can you believe that the teacher handed this poem out to the parents in a sealed card as we dropped off our babies?
So I was doing great, really no tears, just very excited that she was so excited! Then as I sat in the car I opened the envelope and here this was staring back at me!!! Instant tears! I handed it to Kyle , who was looking at me like I was a freak, he read the first line and then threw it down and said he couldn't read anymore.
Love the poem, just not a good time for me to read it.
She had an excellent first day and as she got in the car to come home informed me that "Kindergarten Rocks". Love this girl! She looked so cute and like such a big girl! We did miss her at home, the middle two weren't sure what to do without her. I kept telling Margaret that she needed to step up to the plate and organize something for her and Walter to do. They tried, it just turned into a lot of fighting. We will try again tomorrow.

Today was also her first day back at dance. She took the summer off so our schedule could be more flexible, but was ready to get her ballet shoes on again. You might think that all of this new, new, new would wear a girl out. Not this one, on the way home from dance she was trying to decide what she was going to do next!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great pictures. Glad she is off to a good start. On those left behind, I remember what we called Blue Monday, when Rachel would stand at the door and say "where sissy? Sissy come home? She also wasn't very good at finding things to do (except annoy me). Must be something about the birth order and the first child being the leader and organizer.