Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Girls on the Run

Last weekend I had the great opportunity to be a part of the Girls on the Run program here in Johnson County. I love this program for so many reasons.
It is designed for girls ages eight through thirteen, basically those awkward years. It not only promotes a healthy lifestyle but it also helps to build a positive self-esteem in these girls before they get too far out into the big bad world. The girls train several days a week after school working towards running a 5K race. It is amazing to see the confidence in themselves that they gain just after completing this race.
This year I was a running buddy to a sixth grader. She was so sweet and put up with all of my ramblings as we ran. On race day she kicked booty and sprinted in to the finish line!
My family was there to cheer us on. It was important for me to have my own kids see how many young girls were involved in this program. After my run my three oldest informed me that they would be running with me someday:) Of course Margaret corrected Walter and let him know that this was only for girls, he would have to do a Boys on the Run with daddy:)

1 comment:

bethany said...

What a great program!!! I want to hear more about it. And so cool for your kiddos to watch you participate!