She was indeed the Birthday Girl today!
She soaked up every little bit of special attention that she got and she really lived it up,
I think that she actually might have known that today was her special day!

Her day started with all of us sneaking into her room to wake her up by singing "Happy Birthday". Her birthday breakfast was a treat that is loved by all of my kids, cinnamon rolls. After morning drop off we came home, got all dressed up and took some fun pictures in her party dress.

Caroline's Godmother got her this dress and I would say it fits her personality perfectly!
Bright, colorful, happy, and full of sass!
Thanks for thinking of her, we love it!

Checking out her presents. Our rule is that they have to wait until Daddy is home to open presents. He leaves for work before the kids wake up and lately has been getting home after they are asleep already. I was a little worried he was going to miss out on this one but he made it home in time:) My kids can hardly stand this because their presents are usually wrapped and sitting out when they wake up in the morning. It is kind of like torture for them to have to wait until their dad gets home.

She loves the phone these days. Not a play phone, it has to actually be a working phone in order for her to want to play with it. She holds it up to her ear and says "Hi". I love when they first start saying words because I finally get to hear what their voice is going to sound like. This was the only way I could get her to sit still for another picture.

We were going to try to picnic at the farm today but the weather was not so good here. Very cloudy and chilly. We called up our friends and met them for a birthday lunch at Chick-fil-a. Here is her first opportunity to indulge in a sweet treat and it was a flop. I had frosted chocolate chip muffins thinking she would dive right in but it just didn't happen. Is this really my child??? Didn't know that I could have one that wasn't crazy over sweets! Maybe I will have better luck tomorrow at her party.

Okay, this looks like my child!
After naps and picking up her big sis from school we got to meet up with Daddy (still in his surgical hat and all) and boy is he a sucker, literally! No judging here! Seriously, my other kids NEVER had suckers or any type of candy at this age. He gave this to her and I almost flipped my lid but really decided to let this one go. I guess this is what happens when you are the fourth child, the mom is just to darn worn out for the fight. And really, look how happy she was:) How could I tell this sweet face no.

She loved her presents. Her siblings loved getting to open them for her:)
She was most excited about her Little People dollhouse, which of course I don't have a picture of. She was actually pushing everyone's arms out of the way so that she could get to it.
Can't believe she is one, time just goes by too quickly.
Why was it that when I was a kid time just went soooo slowly. All I wanted to do was grow up and it just couldn't happen fast enough. Now all I want is for life to slow down. I kind of wish I could just freeze her and keep her this way for a couple more years.
fUn ThInGs ThAt CaRoLiNe CaN dO
*Purposefully drops things so that she can say "Uh Oh". Cutest stinkin thing I have ever seen. I actually have this on video and will upload it soon.
* Stands on her own for a few seconds or until she realizes what she is doing and then she drops. She is still a bit timid about this walking thing. She will walk really good along furniture and behind any thing that she can push around the room
* Loves to give kisses. Just ask for a smooch and she will lay it on ya!
* Has actually started playing with her sisters. Usually they play with their baby dolls and she watches and tries to imitate what they are doing. Watching this makes me burst with happiness! Love that they have each other!
* Blows bubbles with her mouth!
* Yells at me as I am making her food. This is actually a not so fun thing that she does but thought I needed to mention it just in case you were thinking that my job was too easy. I cannot feed this girl fast enough! She really eats anything I give her. I can hardly get it cut up before she is yelling at me. Thank goodness my other kiddos are tolerant and let her eat first.
* Crawls up the stairs lickety split! Hasn't quite figured out how to go down them.
* Loves playing with anything Little People.
Happy First Birthday Sweet Bug!
Mommy and Daddy Love You To The Moon And Back!