Saturday, January 22, 2011

Father/Daughter Dance

My pretty little girl is on her first date tonight.
She went to her first dance with the best looking guy out there... her daddy:)
Tonight is her Girl Scout Father/Daughter dance.
She has been excited about this for weeks and has had it all planned out.
Her dinner of choice beforehand was none other than Chick-fil-a. Then they were going to head to the dance and stay out really late. She was hoping they would have lots of cookies there for her to eat too. Not sure about this one but can't wait for a full report when they return.
My prayer for this sweet girl is that someday she will meet someone who loves her as much as we do. That twinkle in her eyes just melts my heart and makes me have flashbacks of when she was just a baby girl. She has now grown into a beautiful six-year-old, inside and out!
Hope you both are having a blast, kinda wish I could've gone too:)

1 comment:

Staci said...

Mia's is the 12th of February. She is SO excited! I was wondering about a corsage, I see that Isabella had one. I hope they had a great time!