Thursday, January 13, 2011

Eight is Great!

i love those snuggles every night as she curls up under my neck and falls asleep.
as she lays there sleeping all i can think about is how i never want to forget this moment.
her days are filled with ...

lots of laughing with her brother

special time being held by big sister Isabella

getting songs sung to her by Margaret

getting tickled by her "tickle monster" daddy whom she now calls "dada" (not fair!)

lots of snuggles and clapping with mommy

getting to eat yummy food, new foods peaches, mangos, and zucchini (if only they would always eat this good!). Bananas and sweet potatoes are still her favorite.

running here, there, and everywhere. dropping off and picking up from school, dance, swimming, and playdates. don't know when she has time to sleep!

crawling to reach those toys she has had her eye on for months! didn't know if this would ever happen considering how much i hold her:)

so thankful to have this little one in our lives!
she is proof to me that God exists.

Happy eight months baby girl!

1 comment:

bethany said...

Oh my word. That last one just melts my heart!! i love her eyes!!! Play date soon!!!
I seriously love reading her month to month gives me some sort of an idea of what to look for!