Monday, October 4, 2010

Off to school I go...

My little man had his first day of school last week. He was so brave, just like I knew he would be. Ever since school has started for the girls he has been begging me for him to go too. I hesitated at first, he is still my baby to me, but then quickly realized he is more than ready and with four other boys in his class it would be a good outlet for him. I sometimes forget how close M and him are in age. He is just always going to be one step behind her. Good thing that I have Miss C home with me still. Maybe I will homeschool her to keep her around a little longer!!!
He was so excited this first day and insisted on carrying his new "McQueen" lunch box all morning. Once we got there and his little hands were washed he looked at me and told me that he wanted me to stay at school with him. I explained that I couldn't stay and that I would be there to pick him up when it was over. He responded, "Otay" and ran off to play playdough. He never looked back, cried, screamed, or anything. Just a big old grin and a wave that said, "get out of here mom I am fine!" I am glad that this is what went down, it made it so much easier for this momma!
I am so excited for this little dude and excited to have a bit of one-on-one with my little Miss C.

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