Papa has nicknamed her Strawberry and I love it!
She is officially four months old (last week) and is living the dream.
We can't wait until she wakes up so that we can play with her and smother her with kisses. The last four months (of crying) have been well worth the wait because this little gal is the light of our lives.
Miss Caroline loves...
playing in her exersaucer (how the heck is this spelled?)
talking to herself when she is supposed to be sleeping in her crib
having control of her paci, she pulls it in and out of her mouth
cuddling with her mommy and her blankie
watching her brother and sisters run around like crazy people
rolling from tummy to back
laughing like crazy when daddy talks to her and tickles her belly
finally being able to reach for those yummy toys to stick them in her mouth

Here she looks a little bit scared for her life but lately these two have been buds. He makes her laugh with all of his silly faces.
Happy four months beautiful girl!