Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cribs are for Babies!!!

Can you tell by this face that he is so excited to be a big boy?

We have officially been out of the crib for an entire week and I must say it has gone much better than I had anticipated. For the first three nights and naps he hadn't quite figured out how much freedom that he now had. I would say by day four at nap time he discovered it. I put him down at his usual time for his afternoon nap and everything was quiet. About thirty minutes later I heard some thumping going on up there so I went to check it out. He had gotten out all of his cars and trucks, lined them up, and was lying on his tummy pushing them across the floor like they were all racing each other. When he realized that I had caught him his bottom lip immediately came out to a pout and he knew he was in trouble. I put him back in his bed and didn't hear another peep from him.

I would say all in all naps have been the hardest because it takes him a little longer to wind down especially when there are so many toys tempting him.

The crib is now set up in the baby's room and every time he passes by it he says "baby's". My next project is new paint for the girls room. Hoping to try something new and hoping Kyle will let me:)

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