Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Clown or Frankenstein?

To continue with our Halloween theme Walter decided to show his true spirit in the festivities!
As we were playing at the park last week he took a spill as he was about to go down the slide. Of course I was waiting at the bottom to catch him as going down the slide is something that he has been able to do on his own for quite some time now. He did not fall off of the slide, he just hit the edge of the slide, which is made of hard plastic and is a nice rounded surface. One would think that this would leave a nice goose egg... no such luck. This, in fact, broke open his forehead which lead to huge amounts of blood and a nice first time trip to the ER for some stitches. Yes, my little man had to get stitched up! He got three stitches in the middle of his forehead which left me to decide if I should change his costume from clown to Frankenstein!

I have to say that this was a very traumatic experience, more for me than him. With my girls I don't even think I have seen blood so I went into complete panic when there was so much on his little face that all I could see was his eyes.

He was absolutely fine and it has shown no signs of slowing him down.
Let's just pray this is just not one of many ER visits to come.

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