Monday, October 19, 2009

Plumply Dumply Pumpkins!

Okay, a little crazy with the photos but we had so much fun at the pumpkin patch I just couldn't decided on my favorites!
We took the kiddos to the same patch we go to every year and it just amazes me because they never get tired of it. In fact Isabella loves being able to show the other two around the place.
This was the first year Kyle mentioned how going to the pumpkin patch is just getting a little expensive. I agree, it is a little pricey for a hayrack ride, a pumpkin, and some fun halloween games but after thinking about it I will pay this every year until my kids refuse to go with me. There will be a day when I don't have anyone to go to the pumpkin patch with me anymore so I am going to savor these years as long as I can!


bethany said...

Precious!! Walter looks SO much like Kyle=) Hope you guys are doing well!!

Staci said...

I am impressed that the girls will wear ponchos. Mine extremely dislike them, I think they get annoyed at them? We have the most adorable KU poncho that my aunt gave MK when she was two. I have bribed her with candy to wear it (make that plural) to basketball games. I wasn't with her at the games she wore it to, Brad was, and I think he let her take it off.