As if the last few weeks weren't busy enough I scheduled Margaret to have her tonsils taken out last Thursday. This was something that Kyle and I put a lot of thought into given that she is so young. She had tubes in ears and adenoids out last February and we were told then that tonsils needed to go too because they were completely touching when she was out for her surgery. She had never had infected sore throats but has been a snorer from birth and these massive tonsils were obviously obstructing her breathing. Kyle, always being medically cautious, wanted to wait it out to see if by removing the adenoids we would possibly remove the problem. Well, it didn't so the little one had to go back in and get them removed.
I didn't make too much of a fuss about it beforehand. We read a couple of books to her about it and talked some but since she really has no timeline it wasn't something I wanted her to worry about. On the day of surgery she was ready to go, actually kind of excited...must have been all of the icecream we told her about! I was reassured that we were doing the right thing that morning when every nurse or physician that looked in her mouth kind of gasped and many mentioned that they were really the size you might see in a five to six -year-old.
She was such a big girl about it all, no tears as I left her to be wheeled off by nurses. She breathed in her bubblegum "air" beautifully and within an hour she was already being wheeled out to me from recovery. She looked so small in that little bed it was hard for me to believe that she could be so brave.
Her ENT wanted her to spend the night in the hospital based on her age and just to be cautious. Two slurpies, one icecream, three jello's, and one chocolate pudding later they sent us packing because she was doing so well. We were home by 1:30 that day! She has done great since she has been home. Getting her to eat well has been our only challenge but I am sure this will come as she heals more.
All I can say is that this little stinker is a tough one!
We are so proud of your bravery Margaret, we love you!