Miss Margaret made it through her first day of school last week like a true BIG girl! Of course Mom and Dad got to go with her to play and she only had to stay for an hour, the real deal starts this coming week so we shall see.
On Parent night I brought home a picture of her two teachers for her to see them and get familiar with who they are. Needless to say when I showed the picture to Margaret the next morning she informed me she didn't want those teachers as she threw the picture across the living room. I am praying that I just caught her at a bad moment, you just never know with this two-year-old.
I have her in a Kids Day Out program that is only one day a week. It is nice because she is not quite three but definitely ready to get out of the house and do something on her own. It is a long day for her, she is there for lunch and well into the afternoon. She was so excited at the thought of getting to eat lunch there and the fact that she got a new lunch box. This will also be a nice day for me to have some one-on-one with my main man (sorry Kyle) Walter while the girls are off getting smarter. We just won't know what to do with ourselves, but I am sure we will figure it out! Although I am a big talker now, I am sure that next week when I drop her off I am going to get some tears flowing.

Playing playdough in her new classroom:)
Margaret's first day of school!
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