Every time we pick up clothes from the cleaners my girls get a piece of candy from the candy dish that sits on their counter. On Friday Margaret chose a Werther's Original which is a type of candy that she has never had. I tried to talk her out of it, but being the two-year-old that she is she insisted upon it. She had it unwrapped and popped in her little mouth before we even hit the sidewalk. As I buckled her in her seat she told me that it was the "yummiest" candy she had ever eaten. As I was driving home she started crying and was frantically yelling "my candy mommy, my candy!!!" Of course I almost drove off of the road because who in their right mind lets their child suck on hard candy while they are driving (i swear we are less than two minutes from the cleaners, i promise God i will never do it again)! Once calmed she let me know that she lost her candy and couldn't find it. I presumed it had dropped somewhere in my car and I assured her I would take care of it when we got home. Once home I did my normal routine of unbuckling and getting everyone inside, then I immediately started making lunch. After lunch it was books and then naps. Three hours later Margaret awoke with yet another frantic scream, "my candy, my candy!!!!" As I am on my way into her room I am reminded that I forgot to help her find it and can't believe that she remembered it. As I entered her room this is what I found in my little Margaret's beautiful hair...

she apparently lost it in her hair and let it set there for about five hours! As I was trying to get it out the tears were flowing, not because it hurt but because she wanted me to wash it off so that she could continue to eat it. Let's just say this is a battle that I won:)
Mental note: no more candy in the car!
I found your blog! So cute! I love all of your pictures of the kiddos! It was great seeing you guys and chatting with you last week! Lets all go to dinner soon!
Hey! okay... How does dinner NEXT weekend sound? The weekend of the 17th / 18th... We can do either night! (Sorry to leave this as a blog comment... I realized I didn't know your email address!)
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