Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dancing Queen

My little Margaret has been dying to go to dance class for the last several months. As I put in previous posts, when we are at home she wants to only wear leotards and she runs around the house begging me to but on classical ballet music. I must say, short stuff does a pretty good job with her plies, and arabesque.
As a special treat I enrolled her in a one time Valentine Camp at Fairytale Ballet and she loved it! The class was pretty neat, they did a craft, read a story about Angelina Ballerina and then they all dressed up as mice and danced around. I didn't get any pics of the mouse costume because as I was taking pics I noticed a sign on the wall saying no pics or camcorders allowed while they were dancing, oops!
She was on cloud nine all night and didn't mind that she was the youngest on in the class. She even woke the next morning talking about her dance class.

Waiting for class with her big sister!

Can you just feel the excitement!!!

A little bit nervous...

but she warmed up quickly and went straight to work on her moves!

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