Saturday, November 17, 2012


One of my favorite guys invited me into his classroom last week for a Friendship Feast!
I loved getting to see him in this atmosphere and I had a chance to reflect on the many things that I am thankful for this past year!  It has come to me fast and furious with lots of change but the most important things in my life that I am most thankful for have stayed my husband, my children, and our family!

 These painted hands were the center pieces to each table.  Each hand had a child's name and what they were most thankful for.  My heart melted when I found my son's.  I love his answer!  I pray he always holds him this close to his heart!  
 Parents were also given a gift from their little one thanking us for all that we do for them:)
I meant to take a pic of this but got carried away with ooooing and ahhhhing over it!  He made me a dish from clay and painted it red and blue!
 So proud of his painted macaroni necklace and Native American feathers!  
The teachers assigned the parents the task of giving their child a Native American name that they would be called for the week while they learned the culture.  Either something that happened the day they were born or something that just fit the child.  Walter's name was "Burning Bush".  The moment I first laid eyes on him I knew he was going to have red hair, or as he says "orange" hair.  Even as a tiny baby boy his hair and eyelashes were like a flame.  He thought this story was pretty hilarious!
Such a fun day in PreK!  I loved every minute of it!

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