Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

Kindergarten fieldtrip to Kaleidoscope
Little Miss Determined here got it in her head that she was going to get her ears pierced. After days of hearing about it, we made a date. Only problem was that Daddy forgot but had to stay late for a meeting. I tried to talk her into waiting until the next day but she was just not having it. Kyle got home just in time for Margaret, Mimi, and I to hop in the car and show up at Claire's about ten minutes before closing. I am sure the nice lady there really wanted to ring my neck.
My baby girl sat there looking so confident and ready to get the show-on-the-road. She was with us when her big sis got it done and she informed me that she would not be crying like Isabella did. When the sales clerk got the latex gloves out her eyes got a bit bigger and her hands started to shake a bit.
After the first ear that little lip started to turn...
but my brave girl got through it just like I knew that she would:)
Way to go Bitty! I must say you look super "fancy"!
Pioneer day at school to celebrate Kansas Day.
A fun trip with Nana to see Mickey Mouse's Magic Show. My kids loved this! All of the Disney princesses were there and there were actually a lot of tricks that amazed me!

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