Yes, this is the song we have been singing since our baby Caroline arrived!
This post is full of pics of our family welcoming our newest addition. I went a little crazy here but just couldn't decide what and what not to post because I love them all!

Caroline Elizabeth Zimmerman
Born May 13th
8:45 pm
Weighing 7lbs 4oz
19 inches long

So where do I even begin?
It feels like it has been a whirlwind ever since but definitely an experience that I never tire of. After a full day of waiting for our little bitty she finally arrived healthy and ready to meet her family. Papa brought these guys to the hospital way past their bedtime and already in their pajamas to be the first ones to meet their new little sister.

She is just so sweet and a great addition to our clan. As you can see here the girls are very excited to have her here. They promised to help change diapers (hasn't happened yet, too ucky they say) play with her, teach her new things, and love her to the moon and back. Every morning since her birth they immediately start sorting out who gets to hold her first.

This guy is amazing. Couldn't have had any of my children without him. I know literally this is true, but I am talking about how awesome he is during the birth of our children. He is just so calm with me and knows exactly what I need at every given moment, I don't even need to ask him for it. I love you so much sweetie, thanks for putting up with me and not holding it against me:) You are the best husband and daddy ever!

Walter loving on Uncle Ben. I had to put this in because of how big he looks in this pic. Why when I have a new baby my other babies look like giants to me?

Margaret showing off her big sister skills. The night before I had Caroline I was talking with her about having the new baby and if she had any questions. She asked me if the baby was going to "get skin" when it came out. This one took me awhile because I wasn't sure why she was worried if she would have skin. Then I realized that the last time she saw the baby was at my 20 week sonogram and it was just a skeletal picture. Once I realized this I assured her that our new baby would have skin. This was a huge relief to Margaret and she is very excited to have someone to pass her clothes down to (this is a big deal to her because most of her things are hand-me-downs).

Walter kissed Caroline the moment he laid eyes on her and he really hasn't stopped. He insists on kissing her lips each time no matter what. He loved coming to the hospital to see me because of all of the fun treats as you can see.

Nana loving on Caroline

Caroline buckled up and ready to come home.

Great-Grandma Jones and Caroline

Mimi and Papa

This girl is a pro at this. Not kidding, I swear she is going to be a rock star mamma someday. She is always so eager to help me out and make Caroline a happy baby. She is the best biggest sister that anyone could ask for. Not only does she keep an eye on Caroline, but she keeps the other two in check at the same time.

We are definitely outnumbered now but surprisingly things have gone really well as far as everyone adjusting to having a new little one in the house. The real deal will start for me next week when Kyle goes back to work. Thank goodness for all of our wonderful family and friends who have helped out either by dropping by with dinner or just hanging out to give us a few extra hands. We just couldn't ask for better people in our lives, you are all the best:)