So I finally got my camera back today and I am so excited that it is in good working order, thanks to Canon. I will definately always be a true Canon fan, they fixed my camera for nothing with no questions asked:) Good thing they didn't ask because I would have had to tell them that I dropped it a little bit on the hardwood floors and cried my eyes out as I saw it falling to the floor. I thought for sure they would call me and ask me what happened upon examining it, but instead I got an email saying it would be fixed for nothing because it was still under warranty. This stuff NeVeR happens to me! Buy Canon!
We have been busy, busy, busy here at the Zimmerman house with swim lessons, vacation bible school, Royals game, going to the pool, meeting friends for playdates, and of course this...

Yes, I have been spending lots of time chasing my little man up and down the stairs as it is his new favorite activity.

We have a gate at the bottom of the stairs but he has figured out how to move it right out of his way and head up the stairs.

I have been trying to wear these two little munchkins out and keep them out of trouble with lots of outside time.

Here is my attempt at a group picture today of my precious ones. As you can see someone wasn't being cooperative, after this shot he headed straight for the stairs.
Miss Margaret started an eight week dance class this morning and it went very well. No pics because my camera wasn't delivered until lunchtime. She had no problems going into her dance room "all by herself" as she puts it. She marched right in there and boogied away. I must say she seems to have gotten my clumsy gene. After falling, for no apparent reason other than tripping over her own feet, the second time she called out for her "MOMMY!!!" Her teacher sent her out to me and no worries, she made a quick recovery and rejoined her class. My little girl is getting so BIG!