Monday, May 7, 2012

Come out, Come out, Where ever you are!!!

Hello to all my blogger friends and family!
Many of you can tell what is going on in my life by looking at my blog.  It has been BUSY! 
A good but crazy busy.
We are all surviving this move so far, even though it hasn't even happened yet.  I guess I didn't realize all of the work that I would be doing beforehand to get us on our way.
The house is sold, the car is sold, and at last weeks garage sale I sold a lot of the furniture.  I guess I am just ready to start fresh!

The kids are keeping busy with all of their friends and activities.  I really don't think this move will affect them until we are there.  All in all they seem very happy with the idea and we haven't had any tears (from them) over it yet.  I am expecting it that first day we are there and they want to have one of their friends over for a play date.  

Isabella has been very busy this spring with her soccer team and getting ready for her dance recital.  She has two performances in this years recital and she will perform at three different recitals.  She is very excited to  get to wear two costumes!  She recently reached the highest level for her swimming and is hoping to find a fun swim team at our new home.  She recently made the big step from Daisy to Brownie in her Girl Scout Troop!  What a fun day it was to watch her walk the bridge :)

Now that the house is sold we are having fun making lots of messes around here.  Arts and crafts on the floor of your bedroom...why not?
I knew it was getting bad when during nighttime prayers Margaret always made a special request that our house sell quickly so that we can have fun again.

This little stinker is growing up way to quickly!  I mentioned how artistic she has become around the house and as you can see in this shot she continues to show me each day her passion for coloring.  On this particular day it was all over her body with a purple marker!  How does she find these things!  I had most of it washed off when I thought about documentation so all that is left is the small bit on her arm.  Needless to say, her second birthday is next week and I just ordered her the coolest art desk ever! Let's just hope that she can keep her artistic talent all in one place!

Besides repeating everything that comes out of our mouths (kinda scary) she is also begging me to use the potty.  I have been avoiding this task because with the move so close I didn't even want to get started on this.  My other kids didn't even have interest in this until 2 1/2 years but this little chick wants to sit on the potty all day long, and she actually goes in it!  Although I am very proud of her and can't believe my eyes I just don't want to have to deal with this right now.  I sound like a horrible mother but I have potty trained three kids and it is no small task.  When you are in training there is nothing quick about your day.  Every time you leave the house it is a HUGE ordeal.  Some days I find myself begging her to just go in her diaper so that we don't have to wait.  This is bad, usually it is the other way around.  I think I probably need to just get over it and slow life down.  Any tips on how to do this?

Pizza party with friends!
This is the only picture I have gotten lately of my little guy.  He is keeping very busy with dealing with three sisters, tae-kwon-do, and swimming.  He has become a master rhymer around our house and has gotten quite his own opinion lately.  He is turning the big #4 in a couple of weeks and he is making sure that we all know!
Little Miss Middle has been keeping busy as well with swimming and her upcoming dance recital.  She is very excited to get out there on stage and has been practicing her moves so that she doesn't "have to look at the teacher"!  She is such a curious girl with lots of questions to stump her mom and dad. 
Izzy on the soccer field!

All in all we are living the dream! 
 We are all healthy and together and that's all that really counts!

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