You may be wondering where we have been hiding or even if we are okay.
Kyle has been out of town for several days and poof everything went to pot!
We missed him and realized how thankful we are that he doesn't have to travel often.
Even though he works extremely long hours there is just something about the fact that he does come home at night. Even if it is after the kids are tucked snug in their beds and all of the evening chores are complete I love getting to see him and each day.
This week was full of all of our regular activities, a horrible hail storm that left lots of damage, and this....

a sad little boy with maybe a broken nose.
Of course it was the night before his daddy was going to be home and I had like a bazillion things to get done in a two hour time frame. I was making dinner in the kitchen while he was "playing" (jumping on the couch) in the living room around the corner. His "playing" got a little out of control and he landed on his nose on my coffee table. I didn't see it but boy did it sound awful! I had one of those moments when I wanted to scream because I have told him so many times not to do this but at the same time felt so bad for him because I knew he was really hurting. It takes a lot to make this boy cry.
All is well now, not much you can do. Just a lot of bruising and hopefully a good lesson learned!
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