A couple of weeks ago I was feeling brave and a I boarded a plane with these goonies!!!
We were excited to go see my brother and his family in Virginia Beach!
These kids were pumped about flying. I hadn't been on a plane with children since the trip I took when I found out that I was preggo with Walter! It had been awhile. I flew out of Dallas to get a more direct flight and thank goodness this is where my other brother lives and he was able to give us a ride to the airport. We made it there several hours before the plane was to take off. This would give us time to check in, eat, and get drilled by me on what NOT to behave like on an airplane.

So we were supposed to board a plane...almost two and a half hours after we were originally supposed to take off we actually got to board our plane. By the time we got on that plane all of our "fun" balloons had deflated! The kids were certain that they "hated" flying and they were never going to do it again! Once we took off all was good again. Because of our late departure we got to our destination at 1:30 in the morning! Never in my life have I been out this late with my four children!!!! Because I am such a lucky gal I also was fortunate enough to have someone walk off with my suitcase! They had mistaken it for their own (it was 1:30 in the morning) but seriously people, really! So here I am in a strange airport at 1:30 in the morning with my four children and no luggage! Thank goodness my brother had met me there so that we could follow him home. At 2:00 am, we were finally at his place and tucked into bed with icky teeth (no toothbrushes)!
Okay, this sounds like hell and I was actually thinking of just turning around and heading home at this point. Thank goodness my children pulled through on this one. Believe it or not there were no major meltdowns (besides my own) from them during this chaos and dysfunction. They came through like rock stars for me and that I will love them for forever!
After sleeping in (9:00 am folks) I received a call from the airline and got my luggage by 11:00 that day. As soon as this happened I felt like I could breathe again and I was ready to soak up the fun!
A big ThAnK yOu to Instagram for being there for me on this trip so that I didn't have to lug around my big ole camera.
Visiting my brother and his family has been something that I have wanted to do for such a long time. He lives the furthest but we have actually gotten closer through the years than ever before. Only problem was I missed getting to see him and once every other year was not cutting it for me. My sister-in-law is from Sweden so on the off years they make the trip to see her family. Usually my reason for not making this trip was because I was either pregnant or nursing for like 6 1/2 years straight. No more excuses for me, every other year we are making this trip! Means the world to me to see my kids with their cousins!
So little Miss is officially a beach bum!
Actually all of the kids loved it. We spent two entire days hanging at the beach. The temperature was hot but the water temperature was perfect!
Lots of playing in the sand, jumping through waves, and afternoon icecreams!
We actually didn't hear much from these ladies the entire trip. If they weren't crafting they were getting all dolled up to go on their "date". Seriously girls, slow down on this growing up stuff!
This is why this entire trip evolved...5:00 am at the Rock'n'Roll Virginia Beach 1/2 Marathon.
I had the itch to do another and somehow talked this guy into doing it with me. It was his first and he did AWESOME! I can't even explain how cool it was to do this with him. Not only was it fun to run with him but I will miss hearing about his long runs! Although it was super hot and humid on race day, we rocked Virginia Beach!
We were also able to fit in time to hang with our favorite monkey...
Curious George was at the Children's Museum and he made Walter's day!
Our flight home was much less eventful. Everything was on schedule and two of my four slept the entire way. Can you guess who didn't sleep a wink...?
I cherish my memories from this trip! I couldn't have done it without BOTH of my big brothers. Thanks for your hospitality and time, it meant the world to me:)
Ready to do it again sometime!