Here are my love bugs on our annual trip to the pumpkin patch!
We look a little disorganized but at least I was able to pull off the pumpkin gear for one more year. When I pulled out the pumpkin shirt for Miss Isabella she gave me that look. I think she is going to revolt next year, I was told that sequined pumpkins on your shirt are not that cool anymore. What do I know, wish someone would buy one for me!

Miss Caroline was just having one of those days...

not much was making her happy until we purchased the kettle corn, ripped open the bag, and started giving her handfuls. Now I know this is not going to win me mother-of-the-year feeding my one-year-old a choking hazard but come on, she is my fourth and it made her so happy:)

Had to document that we are all growing:)

This is our second year going to this pumpkin patch and we loved it even more this time around. A tractor pulls you out to the fields and you get to pick your pumpkin right off the vine, doesn't get much better than that!

Best part of all is all that you have to pay for are the pumpkins.

We got off easy this year by telling the kids they could only pick what they could carry.

Even my cute little pumpkin got her own pumpkin!

Kyle and I ran the Kansas City Half Marathon last weekend too.
We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day for running.
I love my husband for so many different reasons but one thing I love most about him is how he motivates me to be better. A better mother, wife, person. Mile ten was a hard one for me and all that was going through my head was quitting. I could see him ahead of me and I just kept thinking, "Why in the h$@# do we do this?" What I came up with is that we do it because we can. I feel so blessed to have my health and the ability to simply run.
I shaved 12 minutes off of my time from last year so I guess all of that running did pay off:)