Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Day of 1st Grade

My baby girl headed out the door today for her first day of 1st grade and this mama was full of mixed emotions! This is her first year of all day school and I just knew that I would be lost without my sidekick to keep me in line. She was definitely ready to make this transition, even telling me a few times this morning to "stop asking me if I am going to be okay mom!"
Last night as I was getting things together for the next day Kyle saw me plug in my camera battery. He then proceeded to give me a lecture that I was to not, under any circumstances, follow her into her classroom and take pictures of her at her new desk. He claimed that he was just not letting me do this to her.
A first grader?
Isn't this what we are supposed to do as mothers?
I thought about it all night and decided I would just ask her when she woke up. She let me know that "maybe we could just take some shots on the front porch before we leave for school, that way you don't have to carry your big old camera around mom!" Okay is this her sweet, polite, Isabella way of telling me to stop taking so many pictures of her?
When I picked her up at the end of the day I was greeted with a smiling face and a huge hug. She had a great day and is very excited to go back tomorrow!
I can't even explain how proud I am to be this girl's mama. She rocks my world in so many ways and really the only thing that makes me sad about this whole first-grade-all-day-thing is that deep down I know in my heart that she is growing up and there is just really nothing I can do to stop it!
Way to go bug!
First Grade Rocks!

1 comment:

bethany said...

first grade??! Oh heavens!! She is adorable!
And adorable pics! I love that Kyle had to have a "momaratzi" intervention!