Can't believe that it is already almost the end of June! I am sitting here wondering why the summer is going by so fast. I love having a more flexible schedule around here and am already secretly dreading the school year of having to have four kids dressed and out of the house by 7:30.
We are keeping busy this summer with loads of fun activities. Here are just a few of the fun things going on around here!

Margaret joined an indoor soccer team. I was worried about her and all of the running that this would require but she LOVES it! They make it fun and this girl has become quite the soccer player. They do a great job of encouraging team work and confidence while teaching them all of the basics.

This little guy is doing soccer too. He picked out his "fast" green tennis shoes and loves to get out there and dribble that ball. He also does a pretty darn good drop kick!

We have all been spending some time on the golf course.
Isabella is actually taking lessons this week and is working on not swinging the club like a baseball bat:) (she might take after her mama a wee bit)

Little bitty has loved just hanging out and playing outside It also helps when you have your older sister's Mustang convertible to chill out in. She of course can't make it go yet but she really just likes to sit in it.

And we have our first little piggies!!!

Her older sisters loved this! They laughed for five whole minutes just seeing how cute they were on her. Every morning they ask me to put them in her hair. Poor thing has the mullet style going on. I remember Isabella's hair coming in this same way.

I am so late in writing this that I am frustrated at myself for not doing it sooner. In this pic she was starting to show signs of walking and this is how we went anywhere with her. She constantly wanted to be walked. She took her first steps Sunday June 12th which is a whole other post...promise:)

She can now wear bows without her headband...her hair is finally growing!

We have spent many nights at the softball diamonds. This is Isabella's first year playing machine pitch. Her favorite part is hitting and running the bases. My kind of girl. I remember when I played I always dreaded playing the outfield, I remember thinking there were so many other things that I could be doing.

Isabella also ended a great season of soccer. She played with a great group of girls from her kindergarten class. Hopefully she will get to play again in the fall.
With all of this craziness going on we still have gotten to go to the pool quite a bit and soak up some of that summer sun.
We are leaving for the lake next week and I am so excited! My parents and my brother and his family are coming with us and I just can't wait to be with everyone and do absolutely nothing... like ski, tube, swim, jetski, and hopefully a little relaxing with my favorite people!