Happy Seven Months Miss Caroline!!!
Life is good in the Zimmerman house, just busy with the usual Christmas mania and oh did I mention that I haven't had a kitchen since last Saturday!!! We are doing some remodeling and I have been sinkless for just about my limit. To save money, Kyle and his good friend did the demo for us on Saturday and today they finally arrived with the countertops and I hope to get my tiling done on Monday. Kyle is actually upstairs as we speak earning his master plumber title. One of the many things that I love about this man, he had never done this before but was very willing to give it a try. Kitchen should be up and running soon... better be or I may turn into a crazy person.
Enough about that, let's talk about this baby girl!
She is in love with her food!
Sweet potato, avacado, peas, carrots, pears, apple walnut, bananas are just a few of her favorites. She loves it when we sprinkle Puffs on her tray so that she can reach for them on her own and put them in her mouth. She gets a few in there but most of the time they are stuck to her fingers, arms, face, or even her hair. Just tried a Baby Mum-Mum last night and loved it. I loved it too because it kept her entertained long enough for me to get a few bites of my dinner in:)
She loves to see her daddy!
Every time he talks to her or plays with her she gets so excited. She kicks her feet, smiles, and shakes her head from side to side. Between her babbles and her dimples she has him wrapped around her little finger already.
She loves for her mommy to hold her!
No matter how much fun she is having without me when I walk into a room and she sees me or hears my voice she immediately starts whining and giving me that sad face. I just don't do sad faces so I of course rush to pick her up and she just follows me around most of the time on my hip. I know all of the rules about this, she is my fourth one, I think that I just realize now how quickly it all goes by and I am okay with her being a little bit spoiled:)
She can scoot herself backwards and spin around in a circle!
She is starting to get up on those knees and rock back and forth. We might have a crawler soon!!!
She liked sitting on Santa's lap.
She loves listening to Christmas tunes on our early morning school drop-off.
Loves her sleep, is usually asleep by 6:30 and has been making it through the night.
Thank the Lord!!!
Happy seven months little bean!
Love you!