Can't believe that my little carrot top is two months old already!
She is chunking up and starting to show signs of a little personality.

Things that we have learned about Miss Caroline:
1. She wakes up in the morning with so many smiles and "coos" that we just can't get enough! I hate it when we have some where we have to be right away and we don't have as much time for this. This is by far my favorite part of the day with her.
2. She goes from happy to mad in about 1.5 seconds and there is just really no in between. I have heard that this may just be a red head thing???? Walter never really cried as a baby so not sure what is going on here.
3. Her favorite way to be held is up over your shoulder so that she can see all around. I think she is already thinking of ways to keep up with her older siblings.
4. She loves her swing, could really just be in it all of the time if mommy let her. All she needs is a little push and her nature sounds to soothe her and she is happy as a clam.
5. Not so happy during tummy time. She does it because mommy makes her and I can already tell those muscles are getting stronger each day.
6. Loves her sisters, who dote on her and answer to her every whimper. Kind of scared though of the red headed guy who tries to play with her like she is already his size. Sometimes when she sees the red hair she immediately starts crying before the poor guy has a chance to do anything.
7. Like I mentioned before, hates hates hates car rides. Not much I can do to help her in this situation. Just hoping that she grows out of it soon.

We just love this little gal to pieces and can't wait to learn more and more about her each day!
Love you sweetie!