Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Gift of an Ordinary Day

Today was a bad day for me. I was literally counting down the minutes until bedtime. I was not feeling well, my kids were demanding this and that, and I had tutoring kids lined up for the day.

As I glanced at the clock it read 7:35 am.

How was I going to make it through this day?

Then I opened my email and a dear friend had sent me this link and it changed my whole attitude and made me realize my life is not hard, I am blessed. All mothers must watch this!!! You will relate to everything this woman says no matter how old your children are.

The woman reading this is the author of the book where this came from. She made me laugh, cry, and cherish each moment that I had today just getting to be a mom.

1 comment:

Staci said...

Sorry you had a bad day! Mine were odd yesterday as well, Jillian in bed at 6 and MK followed at 7. Hope today is better!