Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ash Wednesday

My favorite conversations of the day:

Margaret as we were walking into Ash Wednesday mass

" Mom, I saw God and even he is wearing ashes today!"

Apparently Margaret was a little confused and thought Father Andrew was God.

Isabella as she was looking at my ashes on my forehead

" Mom, why do you have so many lines on your forehead?"

I think she might have been referring to my wrinkles!
Not so cute, Ouch!

I love their innocence and honesty:)

1 comment:

Staci said...

There was a Desperate Housewives episode once where one character didn't want botox or a face lift because the lines told her life story. Her cancer, when her daughter got hurt, lost a job, etc. Puts them in perspective. My forehead tells that I worry about everything! You look great!